Creative Experiences, Thirty Collaborators
the idea
CK Anderson | co-founder & creative director | helveticka | Spokane
photo: J. Craig Sweat Photography
It was early in my career that I came to understand the benefits of associating with talented people. Since then I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the finest around – from business partners to employees, from skilled craftsmen to creative thinkers, from specialists to day-to-day vendors. These individuals have elevated helveticka’s work, enhanced our capabilities and reputation, and contributed to building the high level of trust we continue to enjoy with our clients.
Put simply, we wouldn’t be here without their contributions.
Which is why, as helveticka began to approach its 30th anniversary in business, I wanted to somehow honor those people. And it occurred to me that an exhibit was the perfect medium. A space that told their stories. Showed their work. Demonstrated – through our year-long effort to pull this thing off – how it takes a team of professionals to collaborate on creating something truly special.
I then reached out to 30 individuals who had contributed in some way to our success. And I asked each to tell something about themselves, about their careers, about the creative experience. I was looking for tales of adventure; death-defying feats in the face of terrible danger. Maybe even one or two making fun of clients. What I got instead was far more personal: stories that are as varied, and as distinctive, as the individuals themselves.
I got CX30: Creative Experiences, Thirty Collaborators, which ran August 9-30, 2018 at the Terrain Gallery here in Spokane.
It was an exhibit unlike anything we’ve ever done. Which made it seem a little unfair to limit CX30 to a temporary, spatial experience – especially for those who couldn’t see it. And, to be honest, I always felt like these stories deserved to be read long after the exhibit closes.
So CX30 will live on indefinitely in this website. As it should.